A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer
so that it can be used effectively. The idea is to reduce the space and
time complexities of different tasks. This video is designed to help you get started with java data structures some popular linear data structures that are explained includes Array, Array List, Linked List, Stack and Queue.
On the previous article I demonstrated how we can use the generic views along with ModelSerializer classes to rapidly develop our REST APIs. Knowledge that you will need in your career as full stack / backend developer, however think of this article as an extension to the previous one, equipped with what we already know about REST API we will step our game up and discuss about ViewSet, ModelViewset we will dig deep into the concepts of Routers which allow us to manage our api routes in a simple and sophisticated manner as well as helping to speed up building APIs even further. There for on part II of this article i'll work you through on how React application can consume this RESTful API. There for at the end of the day we will have a full stack web app, in short we strat our development at the backend then later on we move at the frontend... so are you excited and ready to take the challange? lets do this then..... you can get source code for the bakend on github Preparat...