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Beginner's Guide to React, how to consume a RESTful API in React

Intro (Skit) First and foremost I would like to apologize for making you wet wait this hook took long than it should have. Starving just got the best of striving, on the way some will React...  don't we like it when a flower or a little tuft of grass grows through a crack in the concrete. It's so fuckin heroic. Interlude: Wake up and smell the dour time for an early session seeks to serialize and give examples Shebang as much as I would love to django I need to lay back Head stash the size of the pillow I rest my head on restful and node, just to appreciate the script front to back back 2 back too back frontin react crud crud My depositions never surface and that's the 20/20 ishy const args kwargs we don't cors these lines we inhale these lines that's a callback function for your queryset you dig. Let's get the basics out of the way. React is not another MVC framework or any other kind of framework. It's just a library for rendering your views
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On the previous article I demonstrated how we can use the generic views along with ModelSerializer classes to rapidly develop our REST APIs. Knowledge that you will need  in your career as full stack / backend developer, however think of this article as an extension to the previous one, equipped with what we already know about REST API we will step our game up and discuss about ViewSet, ModelViewset we will dig deep into the concepts of Routers which allow us to manage our api routes in a simple and sophisticated manner as well as helping to speed up building APIs even further. There for on part II of this article i'll work you through on how React application can consume this RESTful API. There for at the end of the day we will have a full stack web app, in short we strat our development at the backend then later on we move at the frontend... so are you excited and ready to take the challange? lets do this then..... you can get source code for the bakend on github Preparat

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The administrator of the database is the right person for the task of granting, or denying, permissions to users for doing operations with database resources. By using roles, we can specify what action can be done with a resource. Therefore, a role is a privilege granted to a user to do specific tasks with specific resources. Before you enable access control, you should create a user that can then create users and assign roles to them once access control is enabled.This user-admin will then be used to create and maintain other users and roles, so needs to be assigned a suitable role to enable it to do so. I assume you already have admin user set up within you system if not refer hare before proceeding. The role userAdminAnyDatabase in MongoDB gives ability to create users and assign roles to them, but by itself it doesn’t allow the user to do anything else. The superuser role in MongoDB is the root . In the this post i will show how to create, show and delete a user in